Dr. des. Irene Aue-Ben-David

Julia Anspach
Dr. des.
Project Coordinator: German-Israeli Research Cooperation in the Humanities


Irene Aue-Ben-David studied at the Georg-August-Universitity Göttingen, where she submitted her dissertation under the title: "Selma Stern as Historian: The History of the Works Der preussische Staat und die Juden (The Prussian State and the Jews) and Jud Süss (Jew Suess) (1920-1975)". She worked at the Rosenzweig Center in various positions: as Doctoral Fellow (2005-2006), as Post-Doctoral Fellow (2010-2013), as project assistant (2007-2013) and as project coordinator (since December 2014). She also edited the Center's journal, Naharaim, in 2014-2015. Since September 2015 she works as the director of the Leo Baeck Institute in Jerusalem.


Research Project

In her research, Irene Aue-Ben-David deals with modern German-Jewish cultural history, historiography and transfer of knowledge. She participated in various research projects, such as the Constantin Brunner Correspondence, and she currently coordinates the research project "German-Israeli Research Cooperation in the Humanities (1970-2000): Studies on Scholarship and Bilaterality", led by the Rosenzweig Center, the Van Leer Institute Jerusalem and the Fritz Bauer Institute. 


Selected Publications


- Selma Stern als Historikerin. Zur Werkgeschichte von Der preußische Staat und die Juden und Jud Süß (1920-1975) (publication in preperation, will be published in the series of the Simon Dubnow Instituts, Leipzig, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht).

Edited Books

- Constantin Brunner im Kontext. Eds. Irene Aue-Ben-David, Gerhard Lauer and Jürgen Stenzel. Berlin: De Gruyter/Magnes 2014.

- Constantin Brunner (1862-1937). Ausgewählte Briefe. Annotated and edited by Jürgen Stenzel and Irene Aue-Ben-David. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2012.

Co-Edited Books

- The Jews in the Secret Nazi Reports On Popular Opinion in Germany 1933-1945. Ed. by Otto Dov Kulka and Eberhard Jäckel, Engl. edition co-ed. by Corinna Kaiser and Irene Aue. New Haven, CT: Yale U Press, 2010.


- (with Yonatan Shiloh-Dayan), Observant Ventures: Early German-Israeli Conferences on German History. Forthcoming in: Jahrbuch des Simon Dubnow Instituts 15 (2016).

- Constantin Brunners Auffassung vom Judenhass, in: Theorien über Judenhass – eine Denkgeschichte. Kommentierte Quellenedition (1781-1931). Eds. Birgit Erdle and Werner Konitzer (will be published in autumn 2015, Campus).

- Der leidende Patriot. Constantin Brunner und der Erste Weltkrieg, in: Constantin Brunner im Kontext. Eds. Irene Aue-Ben-David, Gerhard Lauer and Jürgen Stenzel. Berlin 2014, pp. 207-229.

- The Making of a "Classic" of German-Jewish Historiography – Selma Stern's "Der preußische Staat und die Juden", in: Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook LVIII (2013), pp. 127-140.

- Dislocating Knowledge: Wissenschaftsmigration, 1920-1970, Introduction to the focal topic of the issue with Ruchama Johnson-Blum and Kim Wünschmann, in: Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook LVIII (2013), pp. 71-74.

- Geschichte besprechen. Geschichtsvermittlung in Rezensionen der deutsch-jüdischen Presse in der Weimarer Republik am Beispiel von Arbeiten Selma Sterns und Fritz Baers, in: eds. Eleonore Lappin and Michael Nagel: Deutsch-jüdische Presse und jüdische Geschichte: Dokumente, Darstellungen, Wechselbeziehungen. Vol. 1. Bremen 2008, pp. 163-183.

- "Jud Süß" und die Geschichtswissenschaft: Das Beispiel Selma Stern, in: eds. Alexandra Przyrembel and Jörg Schönert: Jud Süss: Hofjude, literarische Figur, antisemitisches Zerrbild. Frankfurt a.M. 2006, pp. 57-74.