Colloquium 2019/20


During the academic year the Center holds a weekly bilingual colloquium. The colloquium gives the fellows and other young scholars the opportunity to present their research, as well as to hear lectures by experts in the field.



 In cooperation  with-





 Prof. Benjamin Pollock, FRMRC, Hebrew University

 Bildung and Therapy: German-Jewish Self-Formation



 Rabin 1001




 National Library Archive, incl. new Kafka-collection

 Tour by Dr. Stefan Litt


 The National  Library,

 Givat Ram




 Prof. Maren Niehoff, Hebrew University


 Alexandria as a Paradigm for Berlin


 Rabin 1001




 Prof. Michael Morgan, Indiana University


 Philosophy, Therapy of the Soul, and Modern Jewish Philosophy


 Rabin 1001




Dr. Yuval Kremnitzer, FRMRC


Mendelssohn and Kant on Enlightenment and Bildung: The Clash Between Individual and World-Historical Perfectionism


 Rabin 1001




Prof. Paul North, Yale University


Kafka and the Progress Myth


 Rabin 1001




Sabrina Habel, FRMRC, Zurich University


Carl Sternheim’s Comedies and the Formation of the Individual


 Rabin 1001




 International Conference


 The Conspiracy of the Good or Necessary Evil

 The Martin Buber Society   of Fellows

Mandel Building Room 530




 Prof. Amir Eshel, Stanford University


 Poetic Thinking (Book presentation)

 Leo Baeck Institute (LBI)




 Beirat Meeting, FRMRC


 Rabin 1001




 Prof. Andreas Kilcher, Zurich University


 Erzählen als Heilen


 Rabin 1001




 Tuvia Rübner in Memoriam

Mandel Scholion

 Mandel 530




 Dr. Idit Alphandary, Tel Aviv University


 The Sincerity of Forgiveness: The Value of Resentment in Works by Heinrich   Böll and Jean Améry


 Rabin 1001




 "Synchronisation in Birkenwald" by Viktor Frankl


 Scenic Re-enactment


Yad Vashem

 Yad Vashem



 "The Dual State" by Ernest Fraenkl


 Reflections on new Hebrew translation by Prof. Barak Medina, Prof. Dan Diner,  Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer and Prof. Yfaat Weiss




 Van Leer  



 International Workshop


 Emanzipation des Individuums — Emanzipation des Kollektivs

Bar Ilan University,

Augsburg University

 Bar Ilan University

 2nd Semester







 Prof. José Brunner, Tel Aviv University


 Psychoanalysis as a Pagan Game: Freud on the Science of the Unconscious


 Rabin 1001




 Kerstin Schoor, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)


 The Crisis of Enlightenment. Cultural and Literary Discourses on Traditions of   German Culture within the Jewish Cultural Circle in National Socialist Germany    






 Dr. Yehuda Oren, Lakritz-Fellow, FRMRC


 From Substance to Subject: Fichte and Rabbi Kook on the Knowledge of God


 Rabin 1001




 Elazar Benyoëtz: Es dunkelt, wie mir scheint


 Poetry Reading






 Inka Sauter, FRMRC


 Tradition in Translation. On the Historical Semantics of the Buber-Rosenzweig- Bible


 Rabin 1001




 Dr. Dror Ynon, Bar-Ilan University


 Eros and the Recreation of the Self


 Rabin 1001



 Zarin Aschrafi, Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon  Dubnow, Leipzig


 Growing up in the Land of the Murderers.

 Erziehung and Self-Formation of the Jewish Youth in Post-War Germany


 Rabin 1001




 Yonatan Shiloh-Dayan, FRMRC


 A borrowed history? On German-speaking Historians in Israel 


 Rabin 1001




 Dr. Natasha Gordinsky, Haifa University


 "Mein Deutsch blieb in der Spannung der Unerreichbarkeit": Katja Petrowskaja's Bildungsroman "Vielleicht Esther"


 Rabin 1001




 International Conference


 Bildung & Therapy: German-Jewish Self-Formation

LOEWE–Religiöse Positionierung, Goethe University Frankfurt

 Rabin 2001



 Alexander Alon, Zurich University


 Aporien des Klassizismus im frühen Zionismus: Agitationsliteratur, Massenpolitik (Kongresswesen), Wissensproduktion


 Rabin 1001




 End of Term Picnic


 The Botanical   Gardens, Mt.   Scopus