Interpreting a Broken Tradition: Kabbalistic Hermeneutics in Early Modern Ashkenaz Mon, 16/06/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of JerusalemAdd to CalendarOutlook Google
What is “Intention”? On the Ultimate Intended Meaning of Mendelssohn’s Torah Interpretation Mon, 09/06/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of JerusalemAdd to CalendarOutlook Google
Salomon Maimon on Aristotle and Maimonides and the Rebuilding of (German) Philosophical Language Mon, 26/05/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of JerusalemAdd to CalendarOutlook Google
Hermann Cohen on Reformation and Reinterpretation as the Principle of Jewish Law Mon, 12/05/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of JerusalemAdd to CalendarOutlook Google
“The Kibbel, or Kabbalah in the Strict Sense”: Reason as Revelation in Post-Kantian Philosophy Mon, 05/05/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of JerusalemAdd to CalendarOutlook Google
Heilige Texte anschauen. Die Bibel und ihr Kommentar bei Gershom Scholem Mon, 28/04/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of JerusalemAdd to CalendarOutlook Google
The Psychodynamic Case Study - Medical Report or Literary Genre? Mon, 21/04/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of JerusalemAdd to CalendarOutlook Google
The Tradition of Critical Theory Mon, 07/04/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of JerusalemAdd to CalendarOutlook Google
Book Launch | The Remnant: Franz Kafka’s Letter (DeGruyter, 2024) Mon, 31/03/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of JerusalemAdd to CalendarOutlook Google
Hasidic Hagiography, Shund Romances, and the Formation of Modern Jewish Popular Culture Mon, 24/03/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of JerusalemAdd to CalendarOutlook Google
Reading | Leo Strauss, “Persecution and the Art of Writing” Mon, 27/01/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tradition, Gender, and Nostalgia: The Tsene-rene (Ze'ena Ure'ena) in Weimar Germany Mon, 20/01/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Pluriformity and the Direction of Biblical Tradition Mon, 13/01/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Zionism and the Talmud Reconsidered: The Case of German-Jewish Thought and Literature Mon, 06/01/202510:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Canon, Interpretation, and Authority Mon, 16/12/202410:15-12:00Location: Room 1001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem