After completing her MA studies at Hebrew University, Ahuva Liberles Noiman is currently a PhD candidate at the Department for History of the Jewish People and Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is carrying out her research at the Rosenzweig Center and as a fellow of the I-Core 'Center for the Study of Conversion and Inter-Religious Encounter'. Liberles Noiman teaches at the David Yellin College of Education in Jerusalem and has held, since 2012, a position as book review editor at "Zion: The Israeli Historical society's journal for Jewish History".
Research Project
Ahuva Liberles Noiman's fields of interests focus on Jewish History in German Lands between 1100-1600, social and intellectual history and the study conversion and inter-religious relationships between Christians and Jews. Her MA thesis, written under the instruction of Prof. Israel Yuval, focused on Conceptions of Space, Travelling and religious Boundaries in the Pietistic community in Regensburg (12th and 13th centuries). Her future dissertation, under the supervision of Prof. Israel Yuval and Dr. Ephraim (Effie) Shoham-Steiner, focuses on the social history of Converts in Late Medieval German lands (1350-1500). Basing on Hebrew, Latin and German sources from the archives she examines the diversity in the relationships between converts and their former and new society.