Dr. Lina Barouch is senior research fellow at the FRMRC and the academic coordinator of the international project Traces of German-Jewish History: Preserving and Researching German-Jewish Archives in Israel, a collaboration between the Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Centre and the Deutsche Literatur Archiv (Marbach). In this framework she also managed the selection, documentation and description of the Heinrich Loewe Archive at Sha’ar Zion Library in Tel Aviv.
Lina Barouch attained her PhD in German-Jewish literature at the University of Oxford. Her expertise is linguistic and literary dislocation and exile in early twentieth-century German-Jewish writing. Her book, Between German and Hebrew: The Counterlanguages of Gershom Scholem, Werner Kraft and Ludwig Strauss (De Gruyter & Magnes University Press, 2016), deals with linguistic and literary responses to cultural marginality and uprooting. She has published extensively on Gershom Scholem’s early writings, on German exile literature and on bi-lingual forms of writing such as auto-translation and code-switching. She edited, together with Giddon Ticotsky, the bi-lingual poetry anthology Zukunfstarchäologie or ארכיאולוגיה של עתיד (Klostermann, 2015) which brings the Hebrew original poems alongside German translations of writers like Avraham Ben-Yizhak, Dan Pagis, Yehuda Amichai, Lea Goldberg, Tuvia Rübner and others.
Since 2018 Lina Barouch is also managing editor of the Center’s journal Naharaim.
Research Projects
Alongside her work as coordinator of “Traces of German-Jewish History” Lina Barouch was post-doctoral fellow with the Minerva Humanities Center and with I-CORE Da’at Hamakom where she examined the poetics of migration and place in Paul Celan and the question of the transference of this poetics in the act of translation into Hebrew. Alongside close readings of source and target texts the project is concerned also with translation theory, revisited definitions of the discipline of comparative literature and Jewish languages, and broader questions pertaining to the reception of post-Holocaust literature in Israeli Hebrew culture.
Since 2017 Lina Barouch is also researching the archives of Else Lasker-Schüler at the National Library of Israel and at the Deutsche Literatur Archiv in Marbach in preparation of an online exhibition devoted to selected items from these two archives. The exhibition will go online in 2019 to mark the 150th birthday of the expressionist poet, painter and performer.
Selected Publications
Barouch, Lina, Between German and Hebrew: The Counterlanguages of Gershom Scholem, Werner Kraft and Ludwig Strauss (Berlin and Jerusalem: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2016)
Books edited
Ticotsky, Giddon and Lina Barouch, eds, Zukunftsarchäologie ארכיאולוגיה של עתיד, with an introduction by the editors (Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann, 2015) (bi-lingual German-Hebrew edition)
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Barouch, Lina, “ ‘Denk dir’: On Translating Paul Celan into Hebrew”, Prooftexts (forthcoming 2018)
—, ‘Hölderlin in Jerusalem: Buber and Strauss on Poetry and the Limits of Dialogue’, Naharaim 8.2 (2014), 289-307
—, ‘Anti-Purismus und Parodie. Die mehrsprachigen Gedichte von Ludwig Strauss in Palästina 1936-37’, Exilforschung 32, (2014), 259-275 (in German)
—, ‘The Erasure and Endurance of Lament: Gershom Scholem’s Early Critique of Zionism and its Language’, Jewish Studies Quarterly 21.1 (2014), 13-26
—, ‘Ludwig Strauss: Polyglossia and Parody in Palestine’, Naharaim 6.1 (2012), 121-147
—, ‘Lamenting Language itself: Gershom Scholem on the Silent Language of Lamentation’, New German Critique, 111 (Fall 2010), 1-26
Chapters in Collections (selection)
—, ‘ “What Remains?” Jewish Cultural Practices of Writing and Walking in Barbara Honigmann’s Prose’, in Contested German-Jewish Cultural Property after 1945: The Sacred and the Profane, ed. by Elisabeth Gallas, Caroline Jessen, Anna Kawalko and Yfaat Weiss (forthcoming)
—, ‘Ha-roked ‘al ha-hevel, ha-holekh ‘al ha-gvul’ (‘The Tightrope Dancer, The Border Walker: Paradoxical Language and Modernist Images in Gershom Scholem’s “On Lament and Lamentation (1918)”’), in Gershom Shalom: Kina ve-hagut, ed. by Ilit Ferber and Galili Shahar (Jerusalem: Carmel, 2017) (in Hebrew)
—, ‘Jenny Aloni: Der Wartesaal’, in Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Exilliteratur. Von Heinrich Heine bis Herta Müller, ed. by Bettina Bannasch and Gerhild Rochus (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013), pp. 212-219 (in German)
Guest Editor in Peer-reviewed Journals
Special Focus ‘Archiving Displacement: German-Jewish Collections in Israel’, in Simon-Dubnow Insitut Jahrbuch 2018 (forthcoming)
Special Focus ‘Ludwig Strauss between Hölderlin and Yehuda Halevi’, in Naharaim 8.2 (2014)
Eshel, Amir, ‘Wie ein Gast zur Nacht’ (poems), translated from Hebrew into German by Lina Barouch, Jüdischer Almanach 2018 (Jüdischer Verlag im Suhrkamp Verlag, 2018), pp. 66-80
Scholem, Gershom, ’On Lament and Lamentation [1918]’, translated, introduced and annotated by Lina Barouch and Paula Schwebel, in Lament in Jewish Thought: Philosophical, Theological and Literary Perspectives, eds. Ilit Ferber and Paula Schwebel (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014), pp. 305-320
Newspaper Articles
ברוך, לינה , ’״יש הרבה שירים יפים אך ישנם כאלה שעוד השפה בהם בלתי גמישה״: חליפת מכתבים מרתקת בין לאה גולדברג למשורר הצעיר-אז טוביה ריבנר, שהיסס עדיין בין כתיבה בגרמנית ובעברית ואולי נשאר גם להבא דמות של ״משורר-תורגמן״ ‘, הארץ, 7.4.2017, תרבות וספרות, עמ׳ 4
—, ’גרשם שלום וקינתו על העברית השותקת, ’הארץ, 2.3.2012, תרבות וספרות, עמ׳ 3