Robert Ziegelmann is a philosopher specializing in critical theory and social philosophy. He received his PhD from Humboldt University under the supervision of Rahel Jaeggi, with a dissertation on the inversion of utopian thinking in Left-Hegelian social theory. Before joining the Rosenzweig Minerva Center, he was a fellow at the Hannover Institute of Philosophical Research. His current research focuses on ‘immanent critique’ as the method of critical theory.
Selected Publications:
- “Critique of Everyday Life ‘From the Standpoint of Redemption:’: Adorno’s Method in ‘Minima Moralia’ and Its Sources in Kafka, Naharaim: Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History (forthcoming)
- “Naturalisierung als Kritik: Die andere Seite von Adornos Idee der Naturgeschichte”, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69.6 (2021)
- “Was sollen wir tun, wenn Argumente scheitern? Überlegungen zum philosophischen Umgang mit dem Populismus im Anschluss an Arendt”, in: Markus Kotzur (ed.), Wenn Argumente scheitern: Aufklärung in Zeiten des Populismus, Münster: Mentis (2018).