Yemima Hadad is a doctoral candidate and a Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin at the school of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam. Her research project, written under the guidance of Prof. Admiel Kosman, explores the contribution of Hasidism in Martin Buber’s theopolitical theory. The project, titled “History of Forgetfulness: Hasidism and Theopolitics in the writings of Martin Buber,” demonstrates the significance of Hasidism in explaining the political tenets of Buber's thought. Her M.A Thesis, which she completed at Tel Aviv University, dealt with the meanings of the concept of nothingness in Martin Heidegger’s metaphysics. Her fields of interest include theopolitics, religiosity and secularism in Jewish thought, and continental philosophy.
Research Project
Yemima's study concentrates on Buber’s specific sense of historicism and the narrative of forgetfulness in Jewish history. Her thesis, forgetfulness of dialogue, will explain Buber’s stance with regard to Hasidism, Zionism, Shoah, political activism, Jewish nationalism, and will reveal his theopolitics to be a religious answer to secular political theology.
Selected Publications
- “Fruits of Forgetfulness: Nationalism and Politics in the Philosophy of Martin Buber and Martin Heidegger.” Heidegger and Jewish Thought. Eds. Elad Lapidot and
Micha Brumlik. Rowman & Littlefield International [Forthcoming Nov. 2017]
- “The Hasidic Zaddik as Theopolitical Leader.” The Dialogical Imagination of Martin Buber: Essays on Religion, Politics and Ethics. New Jewish Philosophy and Thought. Eds. D. Mortensen, Z. J. Braiterman, S. Scott. Indiana University Press. [Forthcoming, 2018]
- “The Role of the Intellectual According to Martin Buber.” Intellectualism and Jewish Intellectuals. Co-authored with Admiel Kosman. Eds. Avi Sagie and Dov
Schwarz. (In Hebrew). [Forthcoming, 2018]
- “Biblical Politeia: Martin Buber's Biblical Utopia and Plato’s Politeia in Weimar Republic.” [Work in progress]