Rakefet Anzi, FRMRC, Martin Buber and Abraham Halevi Fraenkel: Two Ways in Adult Education
Mon, 13/06/202210:15-12:00
4th Annual Else Lasker-Schüler Lecture
Wed, 08/06/202219:00-21:00
Buber-Rosenzweig Verdeutschung Workshop (Participants Only)
Mon, 23/05/2022 to Fri, 27/05/2022
Prof. Dana Hollander, McMaster University, Ethics out of Law: Hermann Cohen and the “Neighbor”
Mon, 16/05/202217:00-18:30
Dr. Martijn Buijs, FRMRC, Erotic Revelations: Earthly and Divine Love in The Star of Redemption
Mon, 02/05/202210:15-12:00
Special Issue Launch for Naharaim: “Bildung and Therapy: On German-Jewish Self-Formation”
Wed, 30/03/202220:00-21:30
Prof. Elad Lapidot, University of Lille, Talmud as Jewish Maoism.Levinas Responds to Decolonial Anti-Zionism
Wed, 23/03/202218:30-20:00
2001 Rabin Building
FRMRC Salon Kosher and Conservative: German-Jewish Theopolitics Today A Discussion with Dr. Max Czollek
Thu, 10/03/202200:05-22:00