Judith Siepmann studied theatre, German literature, and history with a focus on Jewish history at the University of Munich and Tel Aviv University. She received her master’s degree (Magister) in 2012. Her M.A. thesis dealt with the reception of the Hebrew theatre Habimah in Berlin between 1926 and 1931. Besides her academic studies, Judith gained practical experience during internships at the Staatsoper Stuttgart and the Biennale opera festival in Munich. In 2012, she joined the ongoing international performance project "Keep Me in Mind". During the same year, she complemented her studies in German-Jewish History with an internship at the Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem and assisted in the organization of events as well as archival work (e.g. the transcription of letters by Robert Weltsch). As a continuation of her archival training and her studies of German-Jewish History in the early 20th century, Judith decided to participate – together with Lina Barouch – in the cataloging project intended to preserve and to make accessible the papers of Heinrich Loewe at the Sha’ar Zion Beit Ariela Public Library in Tel Aviv.