Doris Maja Krüger is a PhD-Candidate at the Institute of Philosophy at the Free University of Berlin. She studied Philosophy, Modern History, and Political Science at the Humboldt University of Berlin and at the University of Haifa, and graduated in 2012 with a thesis on Leo Lowenthal's Analysis of Anti-Semitism. In 2013/14 she participated in the project Traces of German-Jewish History and helped to take care of the selection, documentation and description of the Heinrich Loewe Archive at Sha’ar Zion Library in Tel Aviv.
Research Project
My dissertation, supervised by Anne Eusterschulte and Miriam Rürup, deals with the life and works of Leo Lowenthal (1900-1993). Based on the broad neglect of Lowenthal in the reception of Critical Theory, the objective of my research project is to work out his intellectual profile and to reposition him within the Frankfurt School. This should be done by a complete overview in which biographical aspects and the historico-political context are taken into account as well as the complexity of his work. Hence, also the writings Lowenthal composed before, besides and after his work at the Institute of Social Research (1926/30-1949) are considered.
Selected Publications
- "Leo Löwenthal und die Jüdische Renaissance in der Weimarer Republik", in: Elke-Vera Kotowski (Ed.): Das Kulturerbe deutschsprachiger Juden. Eine Spurensuche in den Ursprungs-, Transit- und Emigrationsländern; Berlin: De Gruyter 2015, 249-262. [Leo Lowenthal and the Jewish Renaissance of Weimar Republic]
- Co-Author of Elke-Vera Kotowski (Ed.): "Aufbau: Sprachrohr. Heimat. Mythos. Geschichte(n) einer deutsch-jüdischen Zeitung aus New York 1934 bis heute" (= Jüdische Miniaturen 109); Berlin: Hentrich&Hentrich 2011. [Aufbau: Mouthpiece. Home. Myth. Storie(s) of a German-Jewish newspaper from New York since 1934]