
Daniel Weidner, Yfaat Weiss and Christian Wiese
"Much More than just another Private Collection": The Schocken Library and its Rescue from Nazi Germany in 1935
Stefanie Mahrer
Locating the Jewish Future: The Restoration of Looted Cultural Property in Early Postwar Europe
Elisabeth Gallas
From Breslau to Wrocław: Transfer of the Saraval Collection to Poland and the Restitution of Jewish Cultural Property after WWII
Anna Kawałko
Hannah Arendt (1906–1975)
Gil Rubin
Reading The Magic Mountain in Arizona: Susan Sontag’s Reflections on Thomas Mann
Kai Sina
Two Roads to the Land: A Contiguous Reading of Two Anti-War Novels by Avigdor Hameiri and M. Y. Ben-Gavriêl
Sebastian Schirrmeister
Ein vergessenes Kapitel jüdischer Diplomatie: Richard Lichtheim in den Botschaften Konstantinopels (1913–1917)
Andrea Kirchner
Hebrew, Jewishness, and Love: Translation in Gershom Scholem's Early Work
Caroline Sauter
The Exile of Metaphysics: Adorno and the Language of Political Experience
Asaf Angermann
"Der Ewige" als "Synthese" des Stern. Der Gebrauch des Gottesnamens "der Ewige" bei Franz Rosenzweig
Andreas Losch