The Minerva-Gentner Symposia are held annually in Germany or Israel. They may be conducted in all areas of research. The aim of Gentner Symposia is to initiate new collaborative efforts in fields that are not yet in the focus of German-Israeli cooperations. The Gentner Symposia shall bring together Israeli scientists with colleagues from Germany and from other countries. They shall enable the scientific discourse, exchange of ideas, and new interactions in a given field of research. Not yet established but promising young scientists (PhD students, post docs) shall have the opportunity to get in contact with senior scientists during these symposia (taken from the Minerva Foundation's website).
The Rosenzweig Center will be holding this year's symposium under the title "Contested German-Jewish Cultural Property after 1945: The Sacred and the Profane", in cooperation with the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, the Simon-Dubnow-Institut für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur and the National Library of Israel. The complete program is attached below.