

Jacques Ehrenfreund

Research Fellow 1994-95
Chemin de la Colline 30, CH-1093 Lutry
Current Affiliation or Position: Prof. at the University of Lausanne.

Dr. Ilit Ferber

Research Fellow 2007-8
16 Hazabar St., Ramot Hashavim


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Current Affiliation or Position: Associate Prof. of philosophy, Tel-Aviv University.
Current Research Project: Jean Améry’s Philosophy of Time.

Ilit Ferber was a Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the Rosenzweig Center from October 2007 to June 2008. Her research topic was titled "Manifestations of Pain and Sorrow in Theories of the Origin of Language" and was later under the title: “Herder: On Pain and the Origin of Language,” in: The Germanic Review, Vol. 85.3, pp. 205-223.


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