The Rosenzweig Center's Publications

The Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Center promotes the publication of original and groundbreaking works in the field of German-Jewish studies. The two main platforms in which fellows and young scholars can publish the results of their research are the Naharaim journal and Makom book series.

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The journal Naharaim was founded by the Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Centre at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2007 and appears bi-annually. It is a peer-reviewed journal and publishes the latest research on philosophical, literary and historical aspects of German-Jewish culture. The articles appear in both German and English. 

Naharaim (Hebrew for Zweistromland, a land that lies between two rivers) presents biographical portraits and research on the intellectual history of German-speaking Jewry. The journal explores paradigmatic thinkers within German-Jewish modernism since the Emancipation; traces the outlines of the German-Jewish experience both in the context of general Jewish issues and beyond the specific Jewish horizon; discusses the phenomenon of secularisation as a process of transformation of religious content taking place within the framework of a secular worldview; and critically engages with theoretical debates in France, North America and Germany that address topics from past and contemporary Jewish thought.

Managing Editor: Levy, Amit
Ed. by Pollock, Benjamin / Weidner, Daniel / Wiese, Christian

Submission of manuscripts:

Guidelines for manuscripts:

Style Sheet

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Makom is a book series published by Fink Verlag (Paderborn). The name ‘Makom’ is the Hebrew term for ‘place’ or ‘space’, but it also designates God, whose spatial presence is affirmed yet at the same time questioned. Makom hosts studies by the Center's affiliated researches, concentrating on modern German-Jewish literature and philosophy. 


Pollock B, Weidner D, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2022 ;16(1). Available from: Publisher's Version

This issue includes the first scholarly study of the author’s library of German-Hebrew aphoristic poet Elazar Benyoëtz, which the Rosenzweig Minerva Center received as a gift last year.



Table of Contents


Asher D. Biemann
Nationalismus als Umkehr: Etwas zur jüdischen Meta-Politik der Moderne

Joseph (Yossi) Turner and Nadav Shifman Berman
Franz Rosenzweig’s Concept of Redemption as a Vehicle for Confronting the Philosophical Problem of Contemporary Transhumanism

Samuel P. Catlin
“No Sin to Limp”: Critique as Error in Geoffrey Hartman’s Essays on Midrash

Emir Yigit
Dialectical Abnormality? Jewish Alienation and Jewish Emancipation between Hegel and Marx

James Adam Redfield and Tamar Gutfeld
The Anxiety of Tradition: Unrealized Weddings in Berdichevsky’s Yiddish Stories

Stefan Hermes
Ein Stück Heimat? Hans Mayers ambivalente Sicht auf Israel

Jan Kühne and Anna Rosa Schlechter
“A Self-Portrait in Books” — Reflections on the Aphoristic Library of Elazar Benyoëtz


השבה והחמצה: תום התקופה האירופית של ייווא
שילה בלהה. השבה והחמצה: תום התקופה האירופית של ייווא. מאגנס; 2022. Available from: Publisher's Version
השבה והחמצה מתחקה אחר המעט שנותר אחרי מלחמת העולם השנייה מייווא, מוסד המחקר המפואר של היידיש ותרבותה. בחקירה בלשית מדוקדקת פורסת בלהה שילה עלילה סבוכה. במרכזה הצלחתו החריגה של ייווא – שעבר מווילנה לניו יורק – בהשבת קניינו התרבותי במערב, באזור הכיבוש האמריקאי, וכישלונו הצורב במאמציו בשטח הכיבוש הסובייטי שבמזרח. מבעד לסוגיית הבעלות על הקניין התרבותי נחשף מכלול הסוגיות ההיסטוריות הרלוונטיות לתקופה: התפתחותה של התרבות היהודית המודרנית במזרח אירופה, צמיחתה של היידיש כשפת ספרות מודרנית, קורותיה של התרבות היהודית תחת השלטון הקומוניסטי, השמדתה תחת הכיבוש הנאצי, העלמתה במזרח אירופה לאחר חלוקתה של אירופה ובמלחמה הקרה, ולבסוף – המאבק בין ישראל לתפוצות על מעמד היורש של התרבות היהודית האירופית.
Pollock B, Weidner D, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2021 ;15(2). Available from: Publisher's Version

The centerpiece of this issue is a special section devoted to the theme of “Bildung and Therapy: German–Jewish Self-formation.” The papers collected in this special section explore this theme from philosophical, historical, and literary perspectives.


Table of Contents


Special Section: Bildung and Therapy: German-Jewish Self-formation

Yehuda (Yady) Oren
Dogmatism, Criticism, Divine Ideals: Rav A. I. Kook’s Concept of God in Light of H. Cohen

Sabrina Habel
Selbst-Bildungen. The Tradition of Comedy and the Emancipation of German Jews in Carl Sternheim’s The Snob

Yuval Kremnitzer
“To Love the Rest of His Thoughts as Myself” – Translating Mendelssohn’s Singular Bildung

Sara Olga Melinda Yanovsky
Simon Szántó, Nineteenth Century Viennese Writer and Educator: A Study on Integration, Particularism, and the Ideal of Bildung

Inka Sauter
„Ein modernes Verdeutschungs-Unternehmen“. Über die historische Semantik der Buber-Rosenzweig-Bibel

Other Contributions

Eugenio Muinelo Paz
Marx and Rosenzweig on Community and Redemption

Mariusz Kałczewiak
When the “Ostjuden” Returned: Linguistic Continuities in German-Language Writing about Eastern European Jews

Dana Rubinstein & Ynon Wygoda
The Unsung Buber-Leibowitz Coda to the German Jewish Swan Song


Pollock B, Weidner D, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2021 ;15(1). Available from: Publisher's Version

Table of Contents


Benjamin Pollock



Special Section: Stéphane Mosès and the Invention of German Jewish Modernity


Gabriel Motzkin

Stéphane Mosès after the Holocaust


Paul Mendes-Flohr

Stéphane Mosès’ Angels


Vivian Liska 

Stéphane Mosès’ Hope


Michal Govrin

Stéphane Mosès – Le Passeur Among the Ruins


Sharon Livne, Irene Aue-Ben-David

A German-Jewish Existence: Stéphane Mosès and the Establishment of German Literature Studies at the Hebrew University


Eckart Goebel

Widerruf: “Revocation” – On Hans Mayer and Stéphane Mosès


Galili Shahar 

Narrentum and Being-Jewish: Kafka and Benjamin


Bernhard Greiner

“This Nothing of a Voice”: Kafka’s Josefine Narrative as a Modern Reflection on Revelation and Language


Eli Schonfeld 

H’arut: A Jewish Reading of Kafka’s In the Penal Colony


Other Contributions


Heidi Stern

Diskurse protestantischer Hebraisten der Frühen Neuzeit über jüdische Kommunikationsformeln


Ori Werdiger 

Addendum: Scholem on Meeting Gordin in Paris in 1946

Pollock B, Weidner D, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2020 ;14(1). Available from: Publisher's Version
Weidner D, Pollock B, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2019 ;13(1-2 (Dec 2019). Available from: Publisher's Version
Weidner D, Weiss Y, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2017 ;11(1-2). Available from: Publisher's Version


Special Section: Deutsch-israelische Annäherungenin Geisteswissenschaften und Kulturpolitik, Edited by: Irene Aue-Ben-David, Michael Brenner und Kärin Nickelsen

Deutsch-israelische Annäherungen in Geisteswissenschaften und Kulturpolitik
Aue-Ben-David, Irene / Brenner, Michael / Nickelsen, Kärin

The Humanities through the Lens of Migration: Richard Koebner’s Transition from Germany to Jerusalem
Feldhay, Rivka

Reconstruction und Reeducation. Max Horkheimer und die deutsch-israelische Freundschaft, 1948–1973
Lenhard, Philipp

Fundraising and Collaboration: The Hebrew University and the German Question, 1959–1965
Livne, Sharon / Morris-Reich, Amos

Zwischen Ablehnung und Anziehung. Günter Grass und die Anfänge der deutschen Kulturarbeit in Israel, 1967–1971
Grimmeisen, Julie

Kleine Erfolge und große Hindernisse bei der Gründung einer deutschen Abteilung an der Hebräischen Universität Jerusalem
Oesterle, Günter

Zwischen Philologie und Kulturwissenschaften. Zur Konzeption und Gründungsgeschichte des Rosenzweig-Zentrums
Voßkamp, Wilhelm

„Jüdisches Denken in einer Welt ohne Gott“. Stéphane Mosès’ Ort in der deutschsprachigen Geisteswissenschaft und sein Beitrag zur Kulturwissenschaft
Weigel, Sigrid

Other Contributions

„Schicksalsverwandtschaft“? Jean Amérys Fanon-Lektüren über Gewalt, Gegengewalt und Tod
Fiedler, Lutz

Deutsch-jüdisches Gelehrtentum und altjiddische Literatur: Zur Rehabilitierung einer vergessenen Tradition
Elyada, Aya

Weidner D, Weiss Y, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2016 ;10(2). Available from: Publisher's Version


Special Section: Yiddish in German and German-Jewish Culture, Edited by Aya Elyada

Aya Elyada

Early Ashkenazic Poems about the Binding of Isaac
Oren Roman

Yiddish for Spies, or the Secret History of Jewish Literature, Lemberg 1814
Ofer Dynes

From Shtetl to Ghetto: Recognizing Yiddish in the Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums
Jeffery Grossman

Other Contributions

Re-education of German POWs as a German-Jewish Task: The Case of Adolf Sindler
Yonatan Shilo-Dayan

"Der Jude, der in deutschem Geist macht": Das Hegelbuch Franz Rosenzweigs und seine Wirkung
Roberto Navarrete

Vom Gott der Aufklärung zum Gott der Religion: Franz Rosenzweigs Brief an Rudolf Ehrenberg vom September 1910 und sein Kampf gegen die Geschichte als Theodizee
Enrico Lucca and Roberto Navarrete

Weidner D, Weiss Y, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2016 ;10(1). Available from: Publisher's Version

Special issue: German Orientalism and the Jewish 'Arab Question': On the Study of Arabic Language and Culture in the Jewish Community in Mandatory Palestine

Yfaat Weiss and Yonatan Mendel

Josef Horovitz und die Gründung des Instituts für Arabische und Islamische Studien an der Hebräischen Universität in Jerusalem: ein Orientalisches Seminar für Palästina
Sabine Mangold-Will

Islam in Zion? Yosef Yo'el Rivlin's Translation of the Qur'an and Its Place Within the New Hebrew Culture
Hanan Harif

German Orientalism, Arabic Grammar and the Jewish Education System: The Origins and Effect of Martin Plessner's "Theory of Arabic Grammar"
Yonatan Mendel

A Man of Contention: Martin Plessner (1900–1973) and His Encounters with the Orient
Amit Levy

Other Contributions

"Going together without coming together": "Die Kreatur" (1926–1929) and Why We Should Read German Jewish Journals Differently
Daniel Weidner

A German Island in Israel: Lea Goldberg and Tuvia Rübner's Republic of Letters
Giddon Ticotsky

Appendix: The Correspondence between Lea Goldberg and Tuvia Rübner: Selected Letters

Naharaim 2017
Weidner D, Weiss Y, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2015 ;9(1-2). Available from: Publisher's Version

Daniel Weidner, Yfaat Weiss and Christian Wiese

"Much More than just another Private Collection": The Schocken Library and its Rescue from Nazi Germany in 1935
Stefanie Mahrer

Locating the Jewish Future: The Restoration of Looted Cultural Property in Early Postwar Europe
Elisabeth Gallas

From Breslau to Wrocław: Transfer of the Saraval Collection to Poland and the Restitution of Jewish Cultural Property after WWII
Anna Kawałko

Hannah Arendt (1906–1975)
Gil Rubin

Reading The Magic Mountain in Arizona: Susan Sontag’s Reflections on Thomas Mann
Kai Sina

Two Roads to the Land: A Contiguous Reading of Two Anti-War Novels by Avigdor Hameiri and M. Y. Ben-Gavriêl
Sebastian Schirrmeister

Ein vergessenes Kapitel jüdischer Diplomatie: Richard Lichtheim in den Botschaften Konstantinopels (1913–1917)
Andrea Kirchner

Hebrew, Jewishness, and Love: Translation in Gershom Scholem's Early Work
Caroline Sauter

The Exile of Metaphysics: Adorno and the Language of Political Experience
Asaf Angermann

"Der Ewige" als "Synthese" des Stern. Der Gebrauch des Gottesnamens "der Ewige" bei Franz Rosenzweig
Andreas Losch

Weidner D, Weiss Y, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2014 ;8(2). Available from: Publisher's Version

Daniel Weidner, Yfaat Weiss and Christian Wiese

Horkheimer und Adorno über "jüdische Psychologie". Ein vergessenes Theorieprogramm der 1940er Jahre
Philipp von Wussow

The World of Yesterday versus The Turning Point: Art and the Politics of Recollection in the Autobiographical Narratives of Stefan Zweig and Klaus Mann
Uri Ganani and Dani Issler

Rückkehr in den Elfenbeinturm: Deutsch an der Hebräischen Universität
Yfaat Weiss

Introduction: Arie Ludwig Strauss Between Hölderlin and Yehuda Halevi
Lina Barouch and Galili Shahar

Arie Ludwig Strauss: "A Psalm Returns Home"
Shimon Sandbank

A Blessed Journey: The Imprint of Yehuda Halevi's Poetry on Ludwig Strauss's Land Israel Poems
Anat Koplowitz-Breier

Hölderlin in Jerusalem: Buber and Strauss on Poetry and the Limits of Dialogue
Lina Barouch

Weidner D, Weiss Y, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2014 ;8(1). Available from: Publisher's Version

Daniel Weidner, Yfaat Weiss and Christian Wiese

Forming a Liberal Coalition of Reason: Political Theology in the Mendelssohn-Lavater Affair
Idan Gilo

"Is Judah indeed the Teutonic Fatherland?" The Debate over the Hebrew Legacy at the Turn of the 18th Century
Ofri Ilany

Elisha Ben Abuya, the Hebrew Faust: On the First Hebrew Translation of Faust Within the Setting of the Maskilic Change in Self-Perception
Svetlana Natkovich

Gotthold Weil, die Orientalische Philologie und die deutsche Wissenschaft an der Hebräischen Universität
Sabine Mangold-Will

From Leipzig to Jerusalem: Erich Brauer, a Jewish Ethnographer in Search of a Field
Vered Madar and Dani Schrire

Unerwünschte Rückkehrer. Staatsbürgerschaft und Eigentum deutscher Juden in der Nachkriegstschechoslowakei
Matěj Spurný

Herbert A. Strauss's Über dem Abgrund Inquiries into the History, Narratology, and Poetics of a Jewish Historian’s Autobiography
Vera Bronn

Noor A ed. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2013 ;6(2). Available from: Publisher's Version

Ashraf Noor

"Before the Law stands a doorkeeper. To this doorkeeper comes a man…": Kafka, Narrative, and the Law
Vivian Liska 

"The Seal of the Guide": Hermann Cohen on Salomon Munk's Translation of Maimonides' Guide of The Perplexed
Chiara Adorisio

Memory, Language, Feast. Benjamin’s Revolutionary Judaism
Donatella Ester Di Cesare

Jenseits von Herrschaft und Schuld. Marcuses politische Theologie zwischen Ödipus und Christus: politische, ästhetische und erotische Eschatologie
Christoph Schmidt 

Dialogue and Communicative Action – Buber's Philosophy of Dialogue and Habermas's Communicative Rationality
Matan Oram

Die Kunst, Fragment
Jean-Luc Nancy

Sachliches Sagen und erinnerndes Erzählen: Benjamin und Cézanne
Dorothee Gelhard

Crisis imaginis. Sartre zur Lösung des Bildes von Ding im Kunstwerk
Hans Rainer Sepp

The Infinite Call to Interpretation. Remarks on Lévinas and Art
Fabio Ciaramelli

Derridas Logik der Zeichnung
Eliane Escoubas

Weidner D, Weiss Y, Wiese C eds. Naharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History [Internet]. 2013 ;7(1-2). Available from: Publisher's Version

Yfaat Weiss

Begegnung mit einem Dichter
Lea Goldberg

Hommage mit doppeltem Boden
Anat Weisman

Crossing the Spectrum of Solitudes: Lea Goldberg's Lyrical Conversation with Avraham Sonne
Natasha Gordinsky

A Poetics of Statelessness: Avraham Ben Yitzhak after World War I
Maya Barzilai

"Mir verging die Sprache vor den Dingen, die ich kommen sah" – Hermann Broch und Abraham Sonne in ihren Briefen
Paul Michael Lützeler

Zwischen Verehrung und Entzauberung: Hans Kohns, Robert Weltschs und Hugo Bergmanns Wahrnehmung Martin Bubers im Spiegel ihrer Korrespondenz
Christian Wiese

Der Kanon im Archiv
Caroline Jessen

Ein Mikrokosmos der deutschsprachigen Emigration: Heinrich Loewe und die Sammlung des Beit Ariela
Judith Siepmann

The German Archive of the Hebrew Habima: Bureaucracy and Identity
Shelly Zer-Zion and Jan Kühne